About Me
Hi, my name is Adam Hickman and I’m a travel addict on a journey to explore every country in the world on a backpacker budget!
By exploring, I mean experiencing the culture, meeting the locals, visiting landmarks, experimenting with the cuisine, and learning about the history. On top of that, I will be thrill seeking to satisfy the adrenalin junkie in me.
I’ve spent most of my life living in a small town in England, and have taken every possible opportunity to travel. Although, I was still searching for something more.
In May 2014, I packed my bags, said goodbye to my family and friends, left that small town, and moved to Dubai. Dubai is a centralised travel hub, and my passion for exploring is continuing at a rapid speed.
By the end of 2015, I’ll be 60 countries into my journey, with many more to come.
With this blog, I hope I can inspire others to set their sights on a new adventure too!
Here are a few of my top travel memories…